Hip Hop In New Caledonia

DVD Details

Genre: Art & Culture, Dance, Documentary
 Eric Michel
Format : Color, PAL, 16/9
Region: All Regions/Zones
Languages: French with English subtitles
Length: 52 minutes (documentary) + 8 minutes (bonus)
Partners: Latitude 21 Pacific, France Televisions
Release Date: January 2020
ISBN : 3545020067024

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Hip Hop in New Caledonia includes the documentary “Danse, Little Chief, Dance!” (52 min.) and the bonus film “Hip Hop Kanak” (8 min.)…

The Documentary

“Danse, Little Chief, Dance!”
Through dance, theatre or slam, young artist Siman Wenethem shares his values of the Kanak native customs. In his everyday life in the capital city  of Noumea, he shows to young people that a reappropriation of their culture is possible in New Caledonia. But since his father’s cancer started, the young artist is pondering a difficult decision. He’s destined to inherit the heavy burden of his father responsibility as a traditional chief on the island of Lifou. Will he agree to leave his friends and his artistic passions in Noumea to become, in his turn, the “little chief” of his tribe?

Through the singular path of this young Kanak, the film explores how art, and especially how hip hop dance, can create a new form of dialogue and expression between Caledonian youth and their traditional culture.

The Bonus Film

“Hip Hop Kanak”
A universal language, hip hop dance is now firmly established in New Caledonia. Dancers from various backgrounds and origins have developed a style and sensitivity of their own. They express their creativity and fighting spirit during battles and public performances that attract an ever wider audience.

French Trailer