Initiatives that get people with Alzheimer’s involved in art and creative workshops are producing remarkably positive results. Dozens of day care centers, nursing homes and assisted-living facilities are using drawing, painting and museum visits as effective therapies, making it possible to improve the quality of life and restore a dialogue between caregivers and families. Scientists have discovered that the parts of the brain related to emotions and creativity are largely spared by the disease. Today, experts recognize the benefits of these new approaches which dramatically alter the way we view the disease.
This film has become one of the best-selling tools in educating people about Alzheimer’s and raising awareness on the importance of non-medical treatment, the implementation of therapeutical activities for people suffering from Alzheimer’s, and how such activities can reawaken a sense of personality, identity and dignity.
Directors: Eric Elléna & Berna Huebner
Producers: French Connection Films, Hilgos Foundation
Year: 2009
Length: 54 minutes
Languages: English, French
Partners: Alzheimer’s Disease International, Chicago Art Institute, Phillips Collection, Hearthstone Alzheimer Care, University of Chicago, George Washington University, New York University, Artists for Alzheimer’s, France Alzheimer, The Memory Garden, The Louvre Museum, CNC (French Film Board), Heather Burns
Broadcasters: PBS (USA), Arts Channel (New Zealand), ERT (Greece), Explora (Canada), Planete (Canada)
Public Screenings: New York University, Boston University, University of Wisconsin, Phillips Collection, American University in Paris, Salle Wagram, Action on Alzheimer’s & Dementia at Tradewinds Theatre, Mobile Museum of Art, Rogerson House, The Mercy Community
Distributors: Films for Humanities (universities, libraries, hospitals), ARTZ, Activity Therapy
DVD Distribution: Aquarius Health Media, French Connection Films, ARTZ, Activity Therapy
Official Selection
Rhode Island Film Festival 2010
Imagesanté Liege 2010
Bel Air Film Festival 2009